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2021 AYAA Student Officers

Gabby White, Flippin High School



  • Shall preside at all meetings

  • Shall keep order

  • Shall appoint and select committees

  • Shall be an automatic member of all committees

Avery Garst, Flippin High School

First Vice President


  • Shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the president

  • Shall collect dues in the absence of the treasurer

  • Shall act as the club's official host

Shannon Smith, Flippin High School

Second Vice President


  • Shall be in charge of programs

Lexi Holloway, Flippin High School

Recording Secretary


  • Shall preside at all meetings if the president or vice-presidents are absent

Karrisa Herron, Flippin High School

Corresponding Secretary


  • Shall preside at all meetings that the president, vice-presidents, and recording secretary are absent

  • Records and corresponds with all teachers

  • Keeps list and records of membership and dues

Zoey Stone, Flippin High School



  • Shall preside if all officers other than reporter are absent

  • Shall collect dues and keep banking records

Brenna Metts, Flippin High School

Reporter / Historian


  • Shall handle publications and keep a scrapbook

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