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The election of the 2023-2024 AYAA officers will be held at the spring AYAA convention/competition.
All Students desiring to run for office must be members in good standing.

Those wanting to run for president must be current 11th-grade students.
The President, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer must be from the same school. Their sponsor(s) must agree to serve as the AYAA State Sponsor.
Those wanting to run for next year's student offices, please fill out the official nomination form with a letter of intent by March 1, 2023.

AYAA Officer Information


2023 AYAA Student Officers

Payne Moussa, Flippin High School



  • Shall preside at all meetings

  • Shall keep order

  • Shall appoint and select committees

  • Shall be an automatic member of all committees

Sadie Akers, Flippin High School

First Vice President


  • Shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the president

  • Shall collect dues in the absence of the treasurer

  • Shall act as the club's official host

Adrianne Benedict, Flippin High School

Second Vice President


  • Shall be in charge of programs

Gabriella Dover, Mt. Home High School

Recording Secretary


  • Shall preside at all meetings if the president or vice-presidents are absent

Kelsey Hickey, Flippin High School

Corresponding Secretary


  • Shall preside at all meetings that the president, vice-presidents, and recording secretary are absent

  • Records and corresponds with all teachers

  • Keeps list and records of membership and dues

Taylor Henley, Flippin High School



  • Shall preside if all officers other than reporter are absent

  • Shall collect dues and keep banking records

Rachel Chamberlain, Mt. Home High School

Reporter / Historian


  • Shall handle publications and keep a scrapbook

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