2022 AYAA Student Officers
Landon Perry, Flippin High School
Shall preside at all meetings
Shall keep order
Shall appoint and select committees
Shall be an automatic member of all committees
Carly Hardin, Flippin High School
First Vice President
Shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the president
Shall collect dues in the absence of the treasurer
Shall act as the club's official host
Sarah Amato, Mountain Home High School
Second Vice President
Shall be in charge of programs
Joshua Boelkens, Mountain Home High School
Recording Secretary
Shall preside at all meetings if the president or vice-presidents are absent
Kourtney Pence, Flippin High School
Corresponding Secretary
Shall preside at all meetings that the president, vice-presidents, and recording secretary are absent
Records and corresponds with all teachers
Keeps list and records of membership and dues
Landon Perry, Flippin High School
Shall preside if all officers other than reporter are absent
Shall collect dues and keep banking records
Rachel Howald, Mountain Home High School
Reporter / Historian
Shall handle publications and keep a scrapbook